HORMONE ESSAY | Life Science Grade 12

Name the hormone produced by testes and ovaries and describe their roles in human reproduction
Testosterone- Produced by seminiferous tubules in testes
During puberty testosterone stimulates
❖ The deepening of voice and vocal cord elongates
❖ The development of muscles
❖ The growth of facial pubic and body hair
❖ Development of testes and body hair
❖ The production of sperm in the testes
Oestrogen- produced by Graafian follicle in the ovary
❖ Causing the endometrium
❖ To become thicker
❖ In preparation for implantation
During puberty oestrogen stimulates
❖ The widening of pelvis
❖ The growth and development of breasts
❖ The growth of female sex organs
❖ The start of menstrual cycle
Progesterone- produced by corpus luteum and placenta
❖ Stimulates endometrium
❖ To maintain pregnancy if fertilization takes place
❖ High level of progesterone
❖ Inhibit the secretion of FSH
❖ In the pituitary gland
❖ Which prevents further development of new follicles in the ovary

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