Sperm cell essay | Life Science Grade 12

Sperm cell essay
Describe the structural suitability of a sperm cell an also how it reaches the ovum during fertilization
Structural suitability of a sperm cell
❖ It must have a head containing
❖ Acrosome filled with enzymes that barrow the jelly layer of ovum
❖ Mitochondria that provide energy to sperm cell
❖ Nucleus containing of genetic materials
❖ Tail that enables it to swim in the semen
❖ Tail must not be too small
How do sperm reach the female ova
❖ Firstly sperm cell is produced in the testes due to presence of testosterone
❖ Sperm cells produced are stored in the epididymis
❖ During fertilisation this sperm cells move from epididymis to the sperm duct
❖ Seminal vessels secretes semen that protect the sperm cells against acidic conditions in the vagina
❖ Cowper’s gland secretes more semen
❖ Sperm cells swim in the semen and move out of a male body through the urethra
❖ Enters the vagina with high energy and reaches to the oviduct
❖ Where there is ovum and sperm cells collides with the ovum
❖ Thus fertilization took place

Explain the structural suitability of a sperm cell for its function and describe its involvement in the formation of a zygote until implantation
Structural suitability of a sperm
❖ Head of sperm consists of Acrozome
❖ Which is filled with enzymes or vesicles to dissolve a pathay into ovum
❖ Nucleus of the sperm
❖ Carries genetic material of a male
❖ The presence of a long tail
❖ Enables the sperm to propel forward
❖ The content of sperm such s cytoplasm is reduced
❖ Making the sperm light for efficient movement
❖ In the Fallopian tube or Oviduct
❖ One sperm cell makes a contact with an ovum
❖ The nucleus of sperm cell enters the ovum
❖ Then the ovum's membrane becomes impenetrated to other sperm cells
❖ The sperm fuses with an ovum
❖ To form Zygote
❖ This is called fertilisation
Events of fertilisation until implantation
❖ The zygote divides by mitosis many times
❖ To form embryo
❖ It first consist of a ball of cells
❖ Called morula
❖ Which then develop in to hollow of cells
❖ Called blastocyst
❖ It embeds itself into the endometrium
❖ Using chronic villi

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