Water Quality Essay | Life Science Grade 12

Water Quality Essay 

Explain four management strategies to improve the quality of
drinking water. Uncle Two sources of water pollution and Two
effect of water pollution on human health.

Management strategies to improve water quality
❖ Monitoring of emissions from industries
❖ To discourage water pollution
❖ Providence of adequate sewage system
❖ So that excretories don’t pass near water
❖ Providence of clean containers to collect water
❖ So that pollutants don’t contaminate water
❖ Educating people
❖ On the importance of caring for environment
❖ Reduction of pesticides usage
❖ So that there is less run-off of fertilizers to rivers
❖ Conduct research how to reduce pollution

Sources of pollution
❖ Sewage
❖ Wastes from factories
❖ Dumping of wastes
❖ Dropping chemicals in water

Effects of pollution on human health
❖ Cancer
❖ Typhoid
❖ Allergies
❖ Cholera
❖ Diarrhoea
❖ Rashes

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