DNA Replication Essay | Life Science Grade 12

Described the process of DNA replication and different types of mutations that occur during this process
❖ This process occurs during interphases
❖ Double stranded DNA molecule unwinds and unzips
❖ When weak hydrogen bonds break
❖ To form two single stands of DNA molecule
❖ Each strand is used as a template
❖ Each stand receives a complementary base pair
❖ At the end of this process two identical copies of DNA molecule are formed
❖ This process is controlled by enzymes
❖ Gene mutations (point and frame shift)
❖ Occurs and cause changes on the sequence of DNA molecule
❖ Chromosomal aberration
❖ Occurs and cause a change in the structure of chromosome
❖ Mutations that occurs in sex cells
❖ Are passed to the subsequent generation

Describe the significance of DNA replication and meiosis and how the foetus is
protected and nourished in the uterus
Significance of DNA replication
❖ Allow duplication of genetic material
❖ Ensure that four haploid gametes are formed from a diploid cell
Significance of meiosis
❖ Ensure genetic variation when crossing over occur
❖ Ensure that chromosome number remains the same as in adults
❖ Produce haploid gametes are diploid chromosome pair
Protection of foetus
❖ It is surrounded by amniotic fluid
❖ Which act as shock absorber
❖ And protects it against dehydration
❖ Also protect it against temperature fluctuation
Nourishment of foetus
❖ It receives nutrients through the placenta
❖ Which are passed into foetus by means of blood
❖ These substances read the foetus via umbilical vein

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